(+62) 21 574 6690   info@bizintek.com

Sponsorship Work Permit

A seamless way to obtain a work permit in Indonesia

Why use our services?

Best Service

We consistently provide high-quality Work and Resident Permit consulting by understanding the needs of the client company

Experienced in Visa Sponsorship

Having years of experience since 2002. Visa sponsorship in Indonesia have the skilled to get the job done while meeting your satisfaction

One-Stop Solution

We never do things half-heartedly. We offer a complete visa agency service, including providing you with the a visa sponsorship in Indonesia

Time and Cost-Saving

With our assistance, you do not need to go through a cumbersome visa application process. We will do it for you

Salary Payment

What we need from employees

Inform all the latest updates while in Indonesia, such as address changes, document changes, travel plans, and more.

We will coordinate with relevant institutions.

Our Customer

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